A Demo for April

August 11, 2024 (6mo ago)

This is Markdown

Markdown is the same thing Obsidian uses, and JSX allows you to write HTML too!

You can make ordered lists, with sublists

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
    1. Item 3a
    2. Item 3b

Types of text

This will be italicized, This text will be bold, You can combine them


Here is an image that is stored inside the public/ folder. As long as you are storing pictures inside the public folder, you can access them as below.

Alt text describes what the image says for users who are blind

If you want to access pictures that are on the internet, without locally storing them in the codebase, you can do so like picture from Mr. Money Mustache's blog.

Stash cash

You can embed links to send people to other websites.

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Markdown has a built in function for you to format your text like a quote, from a famous person.

Success is having everything you need and doing everything you want. It is not doing everything you need to have everything you want. If so then you do not own your things, instead your things own you. I do not need to own a particular kind of vehicle. I need to go from A to B. I do not need fancy steak dinners, rare ingredients, or someone else to prepare my meals whether it is a pizza parlor, a chef, or an industrial food preprocessor. I need food to live. Food to fuel my body and brain. Luxury is not eating at 5 five star restaurants. Luxury is being able to appreciate any food. Comfort is eating the right kind and the right amount of food. Not whatever I want. Eating and moving right prevents diseases, pains, and lack of functionality. I am what I eat and I look what I do. Everybody is. It is the physiological equivalent of integrity. To say what I mean and mean what I say. This too makes life more comfortable. Money is opportunity. Opportunity is power. Power is freedom. And freedom means responsibility. Without responsibility, eventually there is no freedom, no power, no opportunities, and no money. More importantly, freedom is more than power. Power is more than opportunity. Opportunity is more than money. And money is more than something that just buys stuff. It is simple to understand but hard to remember, but do remember this if nothing else.

Jacob Eason, Some Book That Was Written

Blocks of code

let message = 'Hello world';